The Manor de Blair Photos A.S. XXXII
(May 1997 - April 1998)

AS:  32  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45

WAR OF THE ROSES - Concordia, East Kingdom
May 23-26, 1997

Alejandra rescues us from inadvertantly placing our camp at the centre of Clan Campbell. We join the encampment of Torvald's Hirð, and make the acquaintances of  Master Torvald Sigurdsson's lovely household.

Tashi and Alejandra making bread the real way!

Our first neighbors (before moving to Alejandra's camp). They are playing skull ball... with a skull.

Tashi at the camp kitchen.
A&E WAR - Glenn Linn, East Kingdom
July 3-6, 1997

Our first family emcampment, thanks to Master Coleman.

Alheydis at the camp stove, back when she was... domestic.

Alheydis and Gyles looking quite chalant.


Gyles, Tashi and Ciáran, back when they were still Blair, Noel and Kieran... weird.

Tashi and Ciáran at their first event together.
Tashi enjoys her arrow; Ciáran doesn't.
September 20, 1997

Ciarán and Everard enjoy the day board, despite icky feast gear.
(Hey, we were just starting out.)


Alheydis, Gyles, with Tashi, Everard and Ciarán.

October 3-5, 1997

Tashi, Ciarán and Everard.

Alheydis with Tashi, Ciarán and Everard.

Gyles and Alheydis


Everard. Don't mess with a kid in chain mail.

Everard with chain mail, and Ciarán's first attempts at juggling.

Alheydis with Ciarán, Tashi and Everard.