Alheydis's Class Handouts


PDF Heraldry for Scribes
New tools for your scribal tool box! We will explore how to easily verify the names and armory of award recipients using a variety of resources. Following a brief review of heraldic basics, we will discuss proper pigment and paint choices for heraldic art and period heraldic aesthetics. Class size limited only by space availability. Twenty hard copy handouts will be available on a first-come-first-served. 4/10/2013
A Perfectly Period Paper Box
Learn to make a delightful paper box as illustrated in the Hours of Catherine of Cleves (1440's). Useful for gift boxes, favors, site tokens, or even a nested award scroll! 10/14/2010
The Dating Game
How would your persona describe today's date? The answer may truly surprise you! Learn to use a medieval perpetual calendar, and discover a variety of ways to describe a date in time. Valuable for scroll wordsmithing, and insightful for persona development. Cave Idus Martias!
The Dating Game
(calendar booklet)
A perpetual calendar booklet based on functional calendar pages from Books of Hours. This is designed to illustrate the workings of the calendar only and does not include decorative illumination.